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3rd Workshop on Leadership and Capacity-Building for Cancer Control (CanLEAD)

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1. Title
3rd Workshop on Leadership and Capacity-Building for Cancer Control (CanLEAD)


2. Objectives
1) to review the progress of cancer control programmes in participating countries;
2) to enhance leadership skills and share good practices in cancer control;
3) to discuss mechanisms for implementing e-CanLEAD (an online course on cancer control); and
4) to identify country-specific steps to strengthen capacity to develop or enhance national cancer control plans.

3. Dates and site
Dates: 13 to 17 June 2016
Site: National Cancer Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea


4. Participants
Criteria for participants to be invited One nominee for each country; either one from the national cancer society, nongovernmental organisation related to cancer control, an expert in cervical cancer or cancer registration
: Cambodia, Fiji, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Philippines, Viet Nam, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Myanmar, NCI USA, University of Tokyo
