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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Comparison of ABO isoagglutinin titres by three different methods:tube haemagglutination, micro-column agglutination and agutomated immunohematology analyzer based on erythrocyte-magnetized technology 공선영
공선영:심효은, 황주형:황주형, 강수진, 서희승, 박은영. Comparison of ABO isoagglutinin titres by three different methods:tube haemagglutination, micro-column agglutination and agutomated immunohematology analyzer based on erythrocyte-magnetized technology Vox Sanguinis. 2019-12-26; 2019; 115(3):233~240. IF 2.364 (2018)
Siglec1-expressing subcapsular sinus macrophages provide soil for melanoma lymph node metastasis ROHITSINGH
ROHITSINGH, 최범규:ROHITSINGH:. Siglec1-expressing subcapsular sinus macrophages provide soil for melanoma lymph node metastasis eLife. 2019-12-24; 2019; 8:e48916~e48916. IF 7.551 (2018)
Point shear wave elastography predicts fibrosis severity and steatohepatitis in alcohol-related liver disease Won Kim
Won Kim:조유리, Youn I. Choi:. Point shear wave elastography predicts fibrosis severity and steatohepatitis in alcohol-related liver disease HEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2019-12-19; 2020; 14(2):270~280. IF 5.102 (2019)
Randomized controlled trial of advance care planning video decision aid for the general population Young Ho Yun
Young Ho Yun:강은교:. Randomized controlled trial of advance care planning video decision aid for the general population JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT. 2019-12-19; 2020; 59(6):1239~1247. IF 3.378 (2018)
FIREVAT: finding reliable variants without artifacts in human cancer samples using etiologically relevant mutational signatures 홍동완
홍동완:김현빈, 이진석:이종근. FIREVAT: finding reliable variants without artifacts in human cancer samples using etiologically relevant mutational signatures genome medicine. 2019-12-17; 2019; Online:Published. IF 10.886 (2018)
Association Between Postoperative Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells and Recurrence in Patients with Prostate Cancer 이상진
이상진, 이강현:박사현:김성한, 정재영, 박원서, 이동은. Association Between Postoperative Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells and Recurrence in Patients with Prostate Cancer THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2019-12-17; 2019; Online:Published. IF 5.647 (2018)
propofol affects optic nerve sheath diameter less than sevofluranne during robotic surgery in the steep trendelenburg position 김양현
김양현:김양현:박보람, 강성우, 최서문. propofol affects optic nerve sheath diameter less than sevofluranne during robotic surgery in the steep trendelenburg position BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2019-12-14; 2019; 2019:5617815~5617815. IF 2.197 (2018)
Plasma inflammatory biomarkers and modifiable lifestyle factors associated with colorectal cancer risk 김정선
김정선:김지미:이정희, 오재환, 장희진, 손대경. Plasma inflammatory biomarkers and modifiable lifestyle factors associated with colorectal cancer risk CLINICAL NUTRITION. 2019-12-13; 2019; Online:Published. IF 6.402 (2018)
Instability in daily life and depression: The impact of sleep variance between weekday and weekend in South Korean workers 김승주
김승주:한규태:. Instability in daily life and depression: The impact of sleep variance between weekday and weekend in South Korean workers health and social care in the community. 2019-12-12; 2019; Online:Published. IF 1.573 (2018)
The Suggestion of Revised Criteria for Endoscopic Resection of Differentiated-Type Submucosal Gastric Cancer. 김현기, 김지현
김현기, 김지현:국명철,마대원, 이석주,안상정:최일주, 류근원. The Suggestion of Revised Criteria for Endoscopic Resection of Differentiated-Type Submucosal Gastric Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019-12-11; 2019; Online:Published. IF 3.681 (2018)