NCC Symbol
Trademark Application and Registration | ||||
Country | Application Date |
Registration Number |
Application Number |
Registration Term |
Korea | 2000.08.04 | 76064 | 2000-21657 | May 24, 2012 ~ May 24, 2032 |
U.S.A | 2000.08.21 |
2,778,893 | 76/114185 | Nov 4, 2003 ~ Nov 4, 2013 |
Japan | 2000.08.29 | 4519373 | 2000-94752 | Nov. 2, 2011 ~ Nov. 2, 2031 |
EU | 2000.08.31 | 1834084 |
1834084 | July. 31, 2010 ~July. 30, 2030 |
China |
2000.10.17 | 1715888 | 2000159403 | Feb. 14, 2012 ~ Feb. 13, 2032 |
Taiwan |
2000.10.11 | 151639 | (89)058890 | Nov. 1, 2011 ~ Oct. 31, 2031 |
Singapore | 2000.10.03 | T00/18032A | T00/18032A | Oct. 14, 2010 ~ Oct. 13, 2030 |
Rhododendron brachycarpum
The Fauriei Rosebary lives on the mountains as high as 3,000 feet. They survive in all weathers,keeping their all green leaves even in icy coldness under -40°C. We can see red flowers of this species in Uleung island, and yellow ones in Mt. Baekdu.