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National R&D Program for Cancer Control

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National R&D Program for Cancer Control

Initiated in 1996 as part of the 10-year Plan for Cancer Control, the National R&D Program for Cancer Control (NRDPCC) has been supporting a wide range of research projects conducted by industry, cademia and research institutes. The NRDPCC focuses on identifying cancer etiology, developing novel prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods for common cancers in Korea, finding more efficient ways to improve quality of life of cancer patients and their families, and conducting policy researches to enhance the quality of cancer registration and statistics.This initiative has made a great contribution towards enhancing the Korean cancer scientists' R&D capabilities, thereby expanding Korean cancer community's scientific horizon.

The National Cancer Control Planning Board, one of the NCC's internal organizations, plans, implements and evaluates the initiative as the program's funding agency.

Research topics by field

Studies on the causes and mechanisms
of common cancers in Korea
Cancer etiology
Cancer metastasis and progression
Tumor immunology
Functions of tumor suppressors
Development of cancer diagnostic technologies
Diagnosis of precancerous lesions
Discovery of new tumor markers
Development of new diagnostic technologies using novel targets or tools
Studies on the movement, storage and reproduction of diagnostic media
Devlopment of cancer therapeutic technologies
Studies on surgical-, rediological
Discovery of anticancer drug candidates
Bone marrow transplantation
Molecular/cellular therapeutics for cancer
Studies on alternative medicine for cancer
Multi-institutional clinical trials for cancers
Studies on cancer prevention
and control
Intervention studies on the risk factors to be targeted for cancer prevention
Studies on cancer education, awareness, and information
Studies on improving of life for cancer patients and palliative care
Stuidies on cancer control policies

Implementation Procedure

Implementation Procedure Request for Applications (NCC), Preparation & Submission of Proposal(Principal Investigator(PI)),Selection of Disqualified Proposals(Nat’l Cancer Control Planning Board(NCCPB)),Evaluation of Proposals for Scientific Merits(Scientific Review Group),Final Review of Selected Proposals(NCCPB),Funding Determination(MOHW),Conducting Research(PI), Submission of the Final Report(NCCPB),Evaluation of the Results(Scientific Review Group)

R&D Budget & Number of Projects by Year

Increased Number of Scientific Publications