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2021.12.24 (금) 난소암, 복막암의 면역학적 치료 접근 박준식(연세의대)
2021.12.17 (금) 암환자를 위한 퇴원계획수립을 위한 기반연구(Discharge planning for cancer patients) - 암환자토탈헬스케어 연구단 1기 정소연(암진료향상연구과)
2021.12.10 (금) Clinical trials at NCC for gastric cancer prevention and early gastric cancer treatment 최일주(암역학연구과)
2021.12.03 (금) Ferroptosis, an iron-dependent regulated cell death: An emerging target in cancer and cardiovascular diseases 이은우(한국생명공학연구원)
2021.11.26 (금) Establishment of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Organoids Model using EUS-guided Fine Needle Biopsy: A New Window into Understanding PDAC Biology 박주경(삼성서울병원)
2021.11.19 (금) Creation of tumor assembloids that recapitulate epithelial-stomal interaction in human cancers 신근유(포항공대)
2021.11.12 (금) Understanding Fat Metabolism Using Multidisciplinary Approach 정수명(성균관대학교)
2021.11.05 (금) Complex Roles of Dysadherin in Tumorigenesis 남정석(광주과학기술원)
2021.10.29 (금) Unique role and vulnerability of EP300 KIX domain in small-cell lung cancer 박권식(University of Virginia School of Medicine)
2021.10.22 (금) 근거기반 지역사회 생애말기돌봄 모형개발 연구 최진영(암관리정책부)
2021.10.15 (금) [연구윤리교육] 최근 연구윤리 제도의 변화와 연구자의 책임 이인재(서울교육대학교)
2021.10.08 (금) 단백유전체 데이터 기반 치료제 임상시험 및 고형암 CAR-T 개발: 가능성과 도전 김학균(표적치료연구과)
2021.10.01 (금) Pharmacogenomic analysis from refractory lung cancer patient-derived cells 박찬이(생물정보연구과)
2021.09.24 (금) Histone Modifiers as Potential Biomarkers for Therapeutic-Resistant Breast Cancer 이정연
2021.09.24 (금) Histone Modifiers as Potential Biomarkers for Therapeutic-Resistant Breast Cancer 이정연(한양대학교)
2021.09.17 (금) Drug resistance in cancer cells by epigenetic and genetic mechanisms 홍경만(암분자생물학연구과)
2021.09.10 (금) Controlling persistent DNA damage prevents anticancer therapy-associated cardiotoxicity 이윤진(한국원자력의학원)
2021.09.03 (금) Tumor microenvironment study through live cell imaging probes 장영태(포항공대)
2021.08.27 (금) Effectiveness of the Korean National Cancer Screening Program in 최귀선(암관리학과)
2021.08.20 (금) Neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer: less o0r more chemotherapy for 백지연(이행성연구부)
2021.08.13 (금) Controlling epigenetic crosstalk in trophectoderm differentiation and therapeutic application 이지민(강원대학교)
2021.08.06 (금) Recent advances of Radiotherapy in Hepatocellular carcinoma and its outcomes 김태현(융합기술연구부)
2021.07.30 (금) Environmental exposure and cancer risk among residents living near national industrial complexes in South Korea: A population-based cohort study 김병미(암예방사업부)
2021.07.23 (금) Novel Splice forms of Thrombospondin-1 as a biomarker for thyroid cancer 백승준(서울대학교)
2021.07.16 (금) Circulating tumor DNA 공선영(이행성연구부)
2021.07.09 (금) Antioxidant pathway in lung and esophageal stem cells and cancers 정영태(대구경북과학기술원)
2021.07.02 (금) New Strategy for Complete Treatment of HBV 박성규(서울대학교 약학대학)
2021.06.25 (금) Diverse role of protein acetylation in cancer development 서지혜(계명대학교)
2021.06.11 (금) Cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity 김학진(순환기내과분과)
2021.06.04 (금) Oral Microbiota-Epithelium Crosstalk Regulates Local and Distal Carcinogenesis 송나영(연세대학교)
2021.05.28 (금) Rolling the cancer immunity cycle 김인산(KIST)
2021.05.21 (금) Myelin-associated glioblatoma infiltration and recurrence 박종배(암의생명과학과)
2021.05.14 (금) Re-evaluation of Wnt and Hippo signaling 조익훈(서울시립대학교)
2021.05.07 (금) Oncogenic regulation and intrinsic function of PD-L1 in lung cancer 전윤경(서울대학교)
2021.04.30 (금) The Co-development of New Anti-cancer Drug and Companion Diagnosis 신영기(서울대학교)
2021.04.23 (금) Immune checkpoint molecules in immuno-oncology: A focus on TIM-3 박은정(암의생명과학과)
2021.04.16 (금) Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 1 Determines Metastatic Hallmarks of Prostate Cancer Cells 김재홍(가천대학교)
2021.04.09 (금) Mechanisms of oncogenic histones Anders Lindroth(암의생명과학과)
2021.04.02 (금) Phenomenological understanding of rehabilitative life world. 재활 증상 인식과 기능함의 현상학적 이해 정승현(재활의학과)
2021.03.19 (금) Gene-based Cancer Immunotherapy 이상진(종양면역학연구부)
2021.03.12 (금) Spatio-temporal analysis of integrin tension during cancer metastasis 김병철(인천대학교)
2021.03.05 (금) 1. Bolus in proton beam therapy 2. ypN0 유방암에서 림프절영역 방사선치료 생략 김연주(융합기술연구부)
2021.02.26 (금) 국가연구개발혁신법과 연구윤리-이해상충을 중심으로 김옥주
2021.02.19 (금) Harnessing genetic interactions to advance precision cancer medicine 이주상(성균관대학교)
2021.02.05 (금) Cell cycle regulation by deubiquitinating enzymes 송은주(이화여자대학교)
2021.01.29 (금) New players in DNA double-stranded break repair: Emerging targets for cancer therapy 이경용(암생물학연구부)
2021.01.22 (금) 구강암 대사체 연구: 바이오마커 발굴을 넘어 기전 규명을 위해 김미경(암역학예방연구부)
2021.01.15 (금) 생명윤리법을 중심으로 살펴본 우리나라 유전체 윤리 현황과 문제 장윤정(암관리정책부)
2021.01.08 (금) 간세포암종 치료의 최근 동향; 전신치료제와 양성자치료를 중심으로 박중원(임상의학연구부)