2021.12.24 (금) |
난소암, 복막암의 면역학적 치료 접근 |
박준식(연세의대) |
2021.12.17 (금) |
암환자를 위한 퇴원계획수립을 위한 기반연구(Discharge planning for cancer patients) - 암환자토탈헬스케어 연구단 1기 |
정소연(암진료향상연구과) |
2021.12.10 (금) |
Clinical trials at NCC for gastric cancer prevention and early gastric cancer treatment |
최일주(암역학연구과) |
2021.12.03 (금) |
Ferroptosis, an iron-dependent regulated cell death: An emerging target in cancer and cardiovascular diseases |
이은우(한국생명공학연구원) |
2021.11.26 (금) |
Establishment of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Organoids Model using EUS-guided Fine Needle Biopsy: A New Window into Understanding PDAC Biology |
박주경(삼성서울병원) |
2021.11.19 (금) |
Creation of tumor assembloids that recapitulate epithelial-stomal interaction in human cancers |
신근유(포항공대) |
2021.11.12 (금) |
Understanding Fat Metabolism Using Multidisciplinary Approach |
정수명(성균관대학교) |
2021.11.05 (금) |
Complex Roles of Dysadherin in Tumorigenesis |
남정석(광주과학기술원) |
2021.10.29 (금) |
Unique role and vulnerability of EP300 KIX domain in small-cell lung cancer |
박권식(University of Virginia School of Medicine) |
2021.10.22 (금) |
근거기반 지역사회 생애말기돌봄 모형개발 연구 |
최진영(암관리정책부) |
2021.10.15 (금) |
[연구윤리교육] 최근 연구윤리 제도의 변화와 연구자의 책임 |
이인재(서울교육대학교) |
2021.10.08 (금) |
단백유전체 데이터 기반 치료제 임상시험 및 고형암 CAR-T 개발: 가능성과 도전 |
김학균(표적치료연구과) |
2021.10.01 (금) |
Pharmacogenomic analysis from refractory lung cancer patient-derived cells |
박찬이(생물정보연구과) |
2021.09.24 (금) |
Histone Modifiers as Potential Biomarkers for Therapeutic-Resistant Breast Cancer |
이정연 |
2021.09.24 (금) |
Histone Modifiers as Potential Biomarkers for Therapeutic-Resistant Breast Cancer |
이정연(한양대학교) |
2021.09.17 (금) |
Drug resistance in cancer cells by epigenetic and genetic mechanisms |
홍경만(암분자생물학연구과) |
2021.09.10 (금) |
Controlling persistent DNA damage prevents anticancer therapy-associated cardiotoxicity |
이윤진(한국원자력의학원) |
2021.09.03 (금) |
Tumor microenvironment study through live cell imaging probes |
장영태(포항공대) |
2021.08.27 (금) |
Effectiveness of the Korean National Cancer Screening Program in |
최귀선(암관리학과) |
2021.08.20 (금) |
Neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer: less o0r more chemotherapy for |
백지연(이행성연구부) |
2021.08.13 (금) |
Controlling epigenetic crosstalk in trophectoderm differentiation and therapeutic application |
이지민(강원대학교) |
2021.08.06 (금) |
Recent advances of Radiotherapy in Hepatocellular carcinoma and its outcomes |
김태현(융합기술연구부) |
2021.07.30 (금) |
Environmental exposure and cancer risk among residents living near national industrial complexes in South Korea: A population-based cohort study |
김병미(암예방사업부) |
2021.07.23 (금) |
Novel Splice forms of Thrombospondin-1 as a biomarker for thyroid cancer |
백승준(서울대학교) |
2021.07.16 (금) |
Circulating tumor DNA |
공선영(이행성연구부) |
2021.07.09 (금) |
Antioxidant pathway in lung and esophageal stem cells and cancers |
정영태(대구경북과학기술원) |
2021.07.02 (금) |
New Strategy for Complete Treatment of HBV |
박성규(서울대학교 약학대학) |
2021.06.25 (금) |
Diverse role of protein acetylation in cancer development |
서지혜(계명대학교) |
2021.06.11 (금) |
Cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity |
김학진(순환기내과분과) |
2021.06.04 (금) |
Oral Microbiota-Epithelium Crosstalk Regulates Local and Distal Carcinogenesis |
송나영(연세대학교) |
2021.05.28 (금) |
Rolling the cancer immunity cycle |
김인산(KIST) |
2021.05.21 (금) |
Myelin-associated glioblatoma infiltration and recurrence |
박종배(암의생명과학과) |
2021.05.14 (금) |
Re-evaluation of Wnt and Hippo signaling |
조익훈(서울시립대학교) |
2021.05.07 (금) |
Oncogenic regulation and intrinsic function of PD-L1 in lung cancer |
전윤경(서울대학교) |
2021.04.30 (금) |
The Co-development of New Anti-cancer Drug and Companion Diagnosis |
신영기(서울대학교) |
2021.04.23 (금) |
Immune checkpoint molecules in immuno-oncology: A focus on TIM-3 |
박은정(암의생명과학과) |
2021.04.16 (금) |
Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 1 Determines Metastatic Hallmarks of Prostate Cancer Cells |
김재홍(가천대학교) |
2021.04.09 (금) |
Mechanisms of oncogenic histones |
Anders Lindroth(암의생명과학과) |
2021.04.02 (금) |
Phenomenological understanding of rehabilitative life world. 재활 증상 인식과 기능함의 현상학적 이해 |
정승현(재활의학과) |
2021.03.19 (금) |
Gene-based Cancer Immunotherapy |
이상진(종양면역학연구부) |
2021.03.12 (금) |
Spatio-temporal analysis of integrin tension during cancer metastasis |
김병철(인천대학교) |
2021.03.05 (금) |
1. Bolus in proton beam therapy 2. ypN0 유방암에서 림프절영역 방사선치료 생략 |
김연주(융합기술연구부) |
2021.02.26 (금) |
국가연구개발혁신법과 연구윤리-이해상충을 중심으로 |
김옥주 |
2021.02.19 (금) |
Harnessing genetic interactions to advance precision cancer medicine |
이주상(성균관대학교) |
2021.02.05 (금) |
Cell cycle regulation by deubiquitinating enzymes |
송은주(이화여자대학교) |
2021.01.29 (금) |
New players in DNA double-stranded break repair: Emerging targets for cancer therapy |
이경용(암생물학연구부) |
2021.01.22 (금) |
구강암 대사체 연구: 바이오마커 발굴을 넘어 기전 규명을 위해 |
김미경(암역학예방연구부) |
2021.01.15 (금) |
생명윤리법을 중심으로 살펴본 우리나라 유전체 윤리 현황과 문제 |
장윤정(암관리정책부) |
2021.01.08 (금) |
간세포암종 치료의 최근 동향; 전신치료제와 양성자치료를 중심으로 |
박중원(임상의학연구부) |