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국내 보건의료 관련 기관

국내 보건의료 관련 단체

국내 암연구 관련 기관

국제 보건의료 관련 기관 및 단체

ANCCA(아시아 국립암센터연맹)

ANCCA(아시아 국립암센터연맹)
No Country Institution 홈페이지 url
1 Bangladesh National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital http://nicrhbd.org/
2 China Cancer Institute & Hospital, Chinese Academy
of Medical Sciences (CIHCAMS)
3 India Tata Memorial Centre https://tmc.gov.in/index.htm
4 Indonesia Dharmais National Cancer Center http://www.dharmais.co.id/
5 Japan National Cancer Center http://www.ncc.go.jp/en/
6 Korea National Cancer Center http://www.ncc.re.kr
7 Malaysia National Cancer Institute http://www.nilaimc.com/
8 Mongolia National Cancer Center http://eng.cancer-center.gov.mn/index.php
9 Nepal Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital http://bhaktapurcancerhospital.org/
10 Pakistan Institute of Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine http://www.paec.gov.pk/Medical/
11 Singapore National Cancer Center Singapore http://www.nccs.com.sg/Pages/Home.aspx
12 Thailand National Cancer Institute http://www.nci.go.th/en/index1.html
13 Turkey Cancer Control Department,
Turkish Ministry of Health
14 Viet Nam National Institute for Cancer Control /
National Cancer Hospital Hanoi-Vietnam