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Internet Reservation Service

  • Home
  • Hospital
  • Cancer Check-up Services
  • Private Medical Examination Program
  • Internet Reservation Service

Internet reservation service for private medical examination program.

Make internet reservation service (put basic information below)-hone consultation with our receptionist to make reservation(select suitable examination program, desired date)-Visit on appointment day

  • ※ When you make internet reservation, one of our receptionist will call you from number 82-31-920-1212.
  • ※ Phone consultation hours : Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM(Saturday, Sunday and Holidays excluded)

* Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

암예방검진센터 해외 인터넷 예약
(number only )
(number only )
* First-time patients/existing patients

※ Please note that a reservation is confirmed after consulting with a counselor.

※ Among the items of personal information, name, contact information, nationality, and email addresses are collected only
    for the purpose of appointment of the health screening. If the reservation is cancelled, that information will be deleted.

Phone Reservations

Reservations can be made conveniently by phone
TEL. 82-31-920-1212