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[소개 및 초대] [프로그램]
제51차 세계입자방사선학회 (PTCOG51) - 소개 및 초대

    It is my great honor and pleasure to host the 51st Annual Meeting of Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG51) to be held in Goyang (Educational Workshop, May 14-16, 2012) and Seoul (Scientific Meeting, May 17-19, 2012), Korea.


    PTCOG51 will offer opportunities to share the most up-to-date clinical, physical and biological knowledge of particle therapy. The ultimate objective is to advance our field of particle therapy by networking among academics, industries, and all affiliated specialists related to particle therapy, so as to fully develop on the mutual understanding among colleagues from all over the world.


A wide range of scientific programs will be organized under the theme "Innovative Application of Particle Beam Therapy". Seoul, the capital of the nation, is one of the most dynamic and safest cities in the world and has successfully staged the 1988 Summer Olympic, 2002 FIFA World Cup and G20 Summit in 2010. Excellent facilities and natural beauty combined with its 5000-year historical heritage shall make Seoul an attractive place to visit, where the tradition meets modernity.


The Organizing Committee will endeavor to put together an exciting social program for delegates and accompanying persons and surely their visit will be remembered. I very much look forward to having the opportunity welcoming you to Korea and I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your strong support.


Kwan Ho Cho, M. D.

Congress President PTCOG51
