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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of the Value of Microsatellite Instability As a Biomarker in Gastric Cancer Elizabeth Catherine Smyth
Elizabeth Catherine Smyth:Filippo Pietrantonio, Rosalba Miceli:김영우,Alessandra Raimondi, 강원기,Andrew Wotherspoon, Nicola Valeri, 국명철, 안지영, Heike I. Grabsch, Giovanni Fuc 노성훈, 손태성, 김성, Maria Di Bartolomeo, David Cunningham 이지영, 정재호. Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of the Value of Microsatellite Instability As a Biomarker in Gastric Cancer JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2019-09-12; 2019; Online:Published. IF 28.349 (2018)
Filippo Pietrantonio, Rosalba Miceli
The association of integration patterns of human papilloma virus and single nucleotide polymorphisms on immune- or DNA repair-related genes in cervical cancer patients 김주영
김주영:주정남, Yosuke Omae(tokyo univ), Yuki Hitomi(hoshi univ):공선영, 박보람, 신혜진, 윤경아. The association of integration patterns of human papilloma virus and single nucleotide polymorphisms on immune- or DNA repair-related genes in cervical cancer patients SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019-09-11; 2019; 9(1):13132~13132. IF 4.011 (2018)
Histologic Response and Toxicity following Interval-Compressed Four-Drug Therapy Given Preoperatively in Children and Young Adults with Osteosarcoma: A Retrospective Study 박병규
박병규:강지만,주희영:김준혁, 주정남, 성지영, 박석연, 강현귀, 권미미, 박미림, 박현진. Histologic Response and Toxicity following Interval-Compressed Four-Drug Therapy Given Preoperatively in Children and Young Adults with Osteosarcoma: A Retrospective Study ONCOLOGY. 2019-09-11; 2019; Online:Published. IF 2.278 (2018)
Oncolytic Ad co-expressing decorin and Wnt decoy receptor overcomes chemoresistance of desmoplastic tumor through degradation of ECM and inhibition of EMT 윤채옥(한양대)
윤채옥(한양대):이연:. Oncolytic Ad co-expressing decorin and Wnt decoy receptor overcomes chemoresistance of desmoplastic tumor through degradation of ECM and inhibition of EMT CANCER LETTERS. 2019-09-10; 2019; 459:15~29. IF 6.508 (2018)
Comprehensive Learning Curve of Robotic Surgery Discovery From a Multicenter Prospective Trial of Robotic Gastrectomy 박성수
박성수:김민서:김원준, 형우진,김형일, 한상욱, 김영우, 류근원. Comprehensive Learning Curve of Robotic Surgery Discovery From a Multicenter Prospective Trial of Robotic Gastrectomy ANNALS OF SURGERY. 2019-09-09; 2019; Online:Published. IF 9.476 (2018)
A phase II study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus durvalumab and tremelimumab in advanced-stage ovarian cancer: a Korean Gynecologic Oncology Group Study (KGOG 3046),
TRU-D 김병기
김병기:이정윤:임명철 박상윤. A phase II study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus durvalumab and tremelimumab in advanced-stage ovarian cancer: a Korean Gynecologic Oncology Group Study (KGOG 3046), TRU-D JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY. 2019-09-03; 2019; Online:Published. IF 2.914 (2018)
Comparison of Models for Tumor Recurrence after Liver Transplantation for the Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multicenter Long-Term Follow-Up Study 이정훈(서울대)
이정훈(서울대):장영, 조유리(서울대):김성훈, 김보현, 박중원. Comparison of Models for Tumor Recurrence after Liver Transplantation for the Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multicenter Long-Term Follow-Up Study CANCERS. 2019-09-03; 2019; 11(9):1295~1295. IF 6.162 (2018)
Changes of End of life Practices for Cancer Patients and Their Association with Hospice Palliative Care Referral over 2009-2014: A Single Institution Study 김순영
김순영:조현정:남은정, 신일원. Changes of End of life Practices for Cancer Patients and Their Association with Hospice Palliative Care Referral over 2009-2014: A Single Institution Study CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2019-09-03; 2019; Online:Published. IF 3.363 (2018)
FAK-Copy-Gain Is a Predictive Marker for Sensitivity to FAK Inhibition in Breast Cancer 홍경만
홍경만, 장현철:김영호:김희연, 곽혜란, 배승현, 심혜원, 강은경. FAK-Copy-Gain Is a Predictive Marker for Sensitivity to FAK Inhibition in Breast Cancer CANCERS. 2019-09-02; 2019; 11(9):e1288~e1288. IF 6.162 (2018)
Bronchoscopic management of solitary bronchial myelolipoma: a case report Jung Seop Eom
Jung Seop Eom:Hyun Sung Chung, Kyu Min Lee:Insu Kim, Seyeon Park, Jihyun Ahn, Ahrong Kim, Chang Hun Lee, Geewon Lee. Bronchoscopic management of solitary bronchial myelolipoma: a case report BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE. 2019-09-02; 2019; 19(1):151~. IF 2.813 (2019)