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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Evaluation of satisfaction with three different cervical cancer screening modalities: clinician-collected Pap test vs. HPV test by self-sampling vs. HPV test by urine sampling 전재관
전재관:신혜영:이동옥, 성나영, 박재영. Evaluation of satisfaction with three different cervical cancer screening modalities: clinician-collected Pap test vs. HPV test by self-sampling vs. HPV test by urine sampling JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY. 2019-09-01; 2019; 30(5):e76~e76. IF 2.914 (2018)
Association of Muscle Mass with Survival after Radical Prostatectomy in Patients with Prostate Cancer 안한종(울산대)
안한종(울산대):박사현:. Association of Muscle Mass with Survival after Radical Prostatectomy in Patients with Prostate Cancer JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2019-09-01; 2019; 202(3):525~532. IF 5.647 (2018)
Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network 손대경
손대경, 이보렴(GIST):오지은, 김종진(GIST):이주형, 김민주, 허보윤. Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 2019-09-01; 2019; 29(3):247~259. IF 1.254 (2018)
Evaluation of Heat Generation in Unidirectional versus Oscillatory Modes During K-Wire Insertion in Bone 박대우
박대우, Lei Chen(University of Michigan):Yuanqiang Luo(University of Michigan):. Evaluation of Heat Generation in Unidirectional versus Oscillatory Modes During K-Wire Insertion in Bone Journal of orthopaedic research. 2019-09-01; 2019; 37(9):1903~1909. IF 3.043 (2018)
Yuanqiang Luo(University of Michigan)
The change in the nationwide seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus and the status of linkage to care in South Korea from 2009 to 2015 정숙향(서울대)
정숙향(서울대):기모란, 장은선(서울대):최화영. The change in the nationwide seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus and the status of linkage to care in South Korea from 2009 to 2015 HEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2019-09-01; 2019; 13(5):599~608. IF 5.49 (2018)
Dietary mercury intake and colorectal cancer risk: A case-control study 김정선
김정선:김혜진:우해동, 오재환, 장희진, 손대경, 이정희. Dietary mercury intake and colorectal cancer risk: A case-control study Clinical Nutrition. 2019-08-31; 2019; 19:33037~33037. IF 6.402 (2018)
Therapeutic Relevance of Targeted Sequencing in Management of Patients with Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer: DNA Damage Repair Gene Mutations as a Predictive Biomarker Changhoon Yoo, Kyu-pyo Kim
Changhoon Yoo, Kyu-pyo Kim:채희정, Deokhoon Kim:. Therapeutic Relevance of Targeted Sequencing in Management of Patients with Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer: DNA Damage Repair Gene Mutations as a Predictive Biomarker EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2019-08-30; 2019; 120:31~39. IF 6.68 (2018)
Lung metastasis in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck 안순현(서울대병원)
안순현(서울대병원):석준걸(서울대):. Lung metastasis in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck Head & Neck. 2019-08-29; 2019; Online:Published. IF 2.442 (2018)
Type-Specific Viral Load and Physical State of HPV Type 16, 18, and 58 as Diagnostic Biomarkers for High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions or Cervical Cancer 노주원
노주원:김정승:김주영, 박상윤. Type-Specific Viral Load and Physical State of HPV Type 16, 18, and 58 as Diagnostic Biomarkers for High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions or Cervical Cancer CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2019-08-28; 2019; Online:Published. IF 3.363 (2018)
Long-Term Risk of Congestive Heart Failure in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors: A Nationwide Study by the SMARTSHIP Group 장일영
장일영:이지현 허호:정소연. Long-Term Risk of Congestive Heart Failure in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors: A Nationwide Study by the SMARTSHIP Group CANCER. 2019-08-27; 2019; 1:181~188. IF 6.102 (2018)
이지현 허호