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학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Cancer care patterns in South Korea: Types of hospital where patients receive care and outcomes using national health insurance claims data 한규태
한규태:최동우, Sun Jung Kim:정원정. Cancer care patterns in South Korea: Types of hospital where patients receive care and outcomes using national health insurance claims data CANCER MEDICINE. 2023-05-18; 2023; 12(13):14707~14717. IF 4 (2022)
Association of Androgen Deprivation Therapy with Osteoporotic Fracture in Patients with Prostate Cancer with Low Tumor Burden Using a Retrospective Population-Based Propensity-Score-Matched Cohort Young-Kyun Lee
Young-Kyun Lee:김성한:. Association of Androgen Deprivation Therapy with Osteoporotic Fracture in Patients with Prostate Cancer with Low Tumor Burden Using a Retrospective Population-Based Propensity-Score-Matched Cohort CANCERS. 2023-05-18; 2023; 15(10):2822~. IF 5.2 (2022)
Risk Factors for Palbociclib-Induced Early Developing Neutropenia in Patients with Hormone Receptor-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer 이근석
이근석, Hye Sun Gwak:이연홍:이다예, 서인영, 채희정, 심성훈. Risk Factors for Palbociclib-Induced Early Developing Neutropenia in Patients with Hormone Receptor-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer CANCERS. 2023-05-18; 2023; 15(10):2810~. IF 5.2 (2022)
Epidemiological trends and outcomes of primary biliary cholangitis in South Korea between 2009 and 2019 Kyung-Ah Kim
Kyung-Ah Kim:최화영, Kyung-Ah Kim:기모란, Eun Sun Jang, Sook-Hyang Jeong. Epidemiological trends and outcomes of primary biliary cholangitis in South Korea between 2009 and 2019 JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2023-05-17; 2023; 58(7):682~692. IF 6.3 (2022)
Mutational evolution after chemotherapy-progression in metastatic colorectal cancer revealed by circulating tumor DNA analysis Sae-Won Han
Sae-Won Han:차용준, Sheehyun Kim:. Mutational evolution after chemotherapy-progression in metastatic colorectal cancer revealed by circulating tumor DNA analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2023-05-16; 2023; 153(3):571~583. IF 6.4 (2022)
nc886, an RNA Polymerase III-Transcribed Noncoding RNA Whose Expression Is Dynamic and Regulated by Intriguing Mechanisms 이용선
이용선:이연수:. nc886, an RNA Polymerase III-Transcribed Noncoding RNA Whose Expression Is Dynamic and Regulated by Intriguing Mechanisms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2023-05-10; 2023; 24(10):8533~. IF 5.6 (2022)
External Validation of the eCura System for Undifferentiated-Type Early Gastric Cancer with Noncurative Endoscopic Resection 최일주
최일주:김영일, Hyo-Joon Yang:. External Validation of the eCura System for Undifferentiated-Type Early Gastric Cancer with Noncurative Endoscopic Resection GUT AND LIVER. 2023-05-10; 2023; 17(4):537~546. IF 3.4 (2022)
The Regulatory Roles of Mitochondrial Metabolism Dynamics and Mitochondria Calcium Uniporter (MCU) in Bevacizumab Resistance of GBM 김성수
김성수, Do-Hyun Nam, Hyun-Woo Rhee:김예진, Chulhwan Kwak:박종배. The Regulatory Roles of Mitochondrial Metabolism Dynamics and Mitochondria Calcium Uniporter (MCU) in Bevacizumab Resistance of GBM ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS. 2023-05-05; 2023; 6(7):2300067~. IF 4.6 (2022)
Development of a Bispectral index score prediction model based on an interpretable deep learning algorithm 김준태
김준태, Sung-Hoon Kim:Eugene Hwang, Hee-Sun Park:. Development of a Bispectral index score prediction model based on an interpretable deep learning algorithm ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE. 2023-05-02; 2023; 143:102569~. IF 7.5 (2022)
Eugene Hwang, Hee-Sun Park
Liver Kinase B1 Mediates Its Anti-Tumor Function by Binding to the N-Terminus of Malic Enzyme 3 노승배
노승배, Chang Hoon Lee:노승배:. Liver Kinase B1 Mediates Its Anti-Tumor Function by Binding to the N-Terminus of Malic Enzyme 3 BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS. 2023-05-01; 2023; 31(3):330~339. IF 3.7 (2022)