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학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Widening social inequalities in cancer mortality of children under 5 years in Korea 백도명
백도명:Mia Son:. Widening social inequalities in cancer mortality of children under 5 years in Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2022-12-21; 2022; 38(2):e20~. IF 5.354 (2021)
Mia Son
Does fragmented cancer care affect survival? Analysis of gastric cancer patients using national insurance claim data 한규태
한규태:최동우:장윤정. Does fragmented cancer care affect survival? Analysis of gastric cancer patients using national insurance claim data BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2022-12-21; 2022; 22(1):1566~. IF 2.908 (2021)
Examining the Effectiveness of the Discharge Plan Model on the South Korean Patients with Cancer Completed Cancer Treatment and Are Returning to the Community: A Pilot Study 정소연
정소연:김영애:박아경, 장윤정. Examining the Effectiveness of the Discharge Plan Model on the South Korean Patients with Cancer Completed Cancer Treatment and Are Returning to the Community: A Pilot Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022-12-21; 2022; 20(1):74~. IF 4.614 (2021)
Should We Test for IgG Antibodies Against MOG in Both Serum and CSF in Patients With Suspected MOGAD? 김호진
김호진:김호진:. Should We Test for IgG Antibodies Against MOG in Both Serum and CSF in Patients With Suspected MOGAD? NEUROLOGY. 2022-12-16; 2022; 100(11):497~498. IF 12.258 (2021)
Pretreatment C-reactive protein-to-albumin ratio predicts clinical outcomes in patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma 엄현석
엄현석:정종헌, Ja Yoon Heo:이은영, 이혜원1. Pretreatment C-reactive protein-to-albumin ratio predicts clinical outcomes in patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2022-12-15; 2022; Online:Published. IF 2.324 (2021)
Impact of the Introduction of a Public Taxi Ride in Rural South Korea on Levels of Healthcare Utilization among Elderly Patients with Diabetes Jaeyong Shin
Jaeyong Shin:김우림, 최민지:. Impact of the Introduction of a Public Taxi Ride in Rural South Korea on Levels of Healthcare Utilization among Elderly Patients with Diabetes GERONTOLOGY. 2022-12-13; 2022; :1~9. IF 5.597 (2021)
PLK1-ELAVL1/HuR-miR-122 signaling facilitates hepatitis C virus proliferation 김종헌
김종헌, Sungchan Cho:서유나:박종배. PLK1-ELAVL1/HuR-miR-122 signaling facilitates hepatitis C virus proliferation PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2022-12-13; 2022; 119(51):e2214911119~. IF 12.779 (2021)
Leptomeningeal Metastasis in Gliomas : Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors 곽호신
곽호신:Jeyul Yang:권지웅, 신상훈, 유헌, 왕규창. Leptomeningeal Metastasis in Gliomas : Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY. 2022-12-12; 2022; Online:Published. IF 2.249 (2021)
Jeyul Yang
Severe neuromuscular immune?related adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors at national cancer center in Korea 현재원
현재원:현재원:김기훈, 김수현, 김호진. Severe neuromuscular immune?related adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors at national cancer center in Korea JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2022-12-10; 2022; Online:Published. IF 4.322 (2021)
An early interactive human coaching via a mobile application to improve quality of life in patients who underwent gastrectomy for gastric cancer: Design and protocol of a randomized controlled trial 엄방울
엄방울:Hak Jin Kim:윤홍만, 류근원, 김영우, 김소영, 오진명, 위경애, 조현순. An early interactive human coaching via a mobile application to improve quality of life in patients who underwent gastrectomy for gastric cancer: Design and protocol of a randomized controlled trial PLOS ONE. 2022-12-09; 2022; 17(12):e0278370~. IF 3.752 (2021)
Hak Jin Kim