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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Metachronous pancreatic cancer 18 years after resection of common bile duct cancer:A case report 김성훈
김성훈:김성훈:. Metachronous pancreatic cancer 18 years after resection of common bile duct cancer:A case report FRONTIERS IN SURGERY. 2022-08-24; 2022; 9:851524~. IF 2.568 (2021)
Discovery of BET specific bromodomain inhibitors with a novel scaffold 이병일
이병일(국립암센터),Kwan-Young Jung(화학연),Chi Hoon Park(화학연):박태현(국립암센터),Navin Pandit(화학연),Miyoun Yoo(화학연):봉승민(국립암센터). Discovery of BET specific bromodomain inhibitors with a novel scaffold BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2022-08-23; 2022; 72:116967~. IF 3.461 (2021)
Development of a real-time in vivo dosimetry tool for electron beam therapy using a flexible thin film solar cell coated with scintillator powder 이세병
이세병:정성훈:안서현, 박상일, 천원중, 신동호, 임영경, 정종휘, 김학수. Development of a real-time in vivo dosimetry tool for electron beam therapy using a flexible thin film solar cell coated with scintillator powder MEDICAL PHYSICS. 2022-08-22; 2022; Online:Published. IF 4.506 (2021)
Onset of various CNS inflammatory demyelination diseases following COVID-19 vaccinations 김호진
김호진:김기훈:김수현, 현재원, 박나영. Onset of various CNS inflammatory demyelination diseases following COVID-19 vaccinations MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND RELATED DISORDERS. 2022-08-21; 2022; 68:104141~. IF 4.808 (2021)
FOXM1 Inhibition Enhances the Therapeutic Outcome of Lung Cancer Immunotherapy by Modulating PD-L1 Expression and Cell Proliferation 최용두
최용두, 고성호:Hamadi Madhi:이전수, 최영은, 이연, 김명희. FOXM1 Inhibition Enhances the Therapeutic Outcome of Lung Cancer Immunotherapy by Modulating PD-L1 Expression and Cell Proliferation ADVANCED SCIENCE. 2022-08-17; 2022; 9(29):e2202702~. IF 17.521 (2021)
Hamadi Madhi
Phase II study to investigate the efficacy of trastuzumab biosimilar (Herzuma?) plus treatment of physician's choice (TPC) in patients with heavily pretreated HER-2+ metastatic breast cancer (KCSG BR 18-14/KM10B)
:심성훈:. Phase II study to investigate the efficacy of trastuzumab biosimilar (Herzuma?) plus treatment of physician's choice (TPC) in patients with heavily pretreated HER-2+ metastatic breast cancer (KCSG BR 18-14/KM10B) BREAST. 2022-08-17; 2022; :~. IF 4.254 (2021)
Blood neurofilament light chain as a biomarker for monitoring and predicting paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with gynecological cancers 임명철
임명철:김수현:김기훈, 현재원, 김지현, 서상수, 김호진, 박상윤. Blood neurofilament light chain as a biomarker for monitoring and predicting paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with gynecological cancers FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2022-08-17; 2022; 12:942960~. IF 5.738 (2021)
Necessity of Individualized Approach for Gastric Subepithelial Tumor Considering Pathologic Discrepancy and Surgical Difficulty Depending on the Gastric Location 류근원
류근원:Sung Gon Kim:엄방울, 윤홍만, 국명철, 김영우. Necessity of Individualized Approach for Gastric Subepithelial Tumor Considering Pathologic Discrepancy and Surgical Difficulty Depending on the Gastric Location JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2022-08-13; 2022; 11(16):4733~. IF 4.964 (2021)
Sung Gon Kim
Low-level environmental mercury exposure and thyroid cancer risk among residents living near national industrial complexes in South Korea: A population-based cohort study 김병미
김병미:김세영:박은영, 오진경, 김현진, 박은정. Low-level environmental mercury exposure and thyroid cancer risk among residents living near national industrial complexes in South Korea: A population-based cohort study THYROID. 2022-08-11; 2022; 32(9):1118~1128. IF 6.506 (2021)
Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with diabetes mellitus: A nationwide retrospective cohort study Chung-Mo Nam, Myeong-Ki Hong
Chung-Mo Nam, Myeong-Ki Hong:최동우, Seung-Jun Lee:. Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with diabetes mellitus: A nationwide retrospective cohort study FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE. 2022-08-11; 2022; 9:954704~. IF 5.848 (2021)