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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Disorders of Secondary Neurulation : Mainly Focused on Pathoembryogenesis 왕규창
왕규창:양제열:. Disorders of Secondary Neurulation : Mainly Focused on Pathoembryogenesis JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY. 2021-04-29; 2021; 64(3):386~405. IF 1.729 (2020)
Conditional Relative Survival of Ovarian Cancer: A Korean National Cancer Registry Study 정규원
정규원, Jaeman Bae:Dong Wook Shin:하조현. Conditional Relative Survival of Ovarian Cancer: A Korean National Cancer Registry Study FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2021-04-28; 2021; 11:639839~. IF 6.244 (2020)
Dong Wook Shin
Urinary incontinence and the association with depression, stress, and self?esteem in older Korean Women 최귀선
최귀선:Hoo?yeon Lee:. Urinary incontinence and the association with depression, stress, and self?esteem in older Korean Women SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021-04-27; 2021; 11(1):9054~. IF 4.38 (2020)
Hoo?yeon Lee
Risk factors for lymph node metastasis in early gastric cancer without lymphatic invasion after endoscopic submucosal dissection 류근원
류근원:오윤정:김덕희, 한원호, 엄방울, 김영리, 윤홍만, 이종렬, 김찬규, 국명철, 최일주, 김영우. Risk factors for lymph node metastasis in early gastric cancer without lymphatic invasion after endoscopic submucosal dissection EJSO. 2021-04-26; 2021; Online:Published. IF 4.424 (2020)
Anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-positive encephalitis with seizure and unilateral cortical fluid-attenuated inversion recovery-hyperintense lesions Seung Woo Kim
Seung Woo Kim:김기훈:. Anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-positive encephalitis with seizure and unilateral cortical fluid-attenuated inversion recovery-hyperintense lesions JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY. 2021-04-26; 2021; 17(3):481~483. IF 3.077 (2020)
3D-Printed Connector for Revision Limb Salvage Surgery in Long Bones Previously Using Customized Implants 강현귀
강현귀:박종웅:김준혁. 3D-Printed Connector for Revision Limb Salvage Surgery in Long Bones Previously Using Customized Implants METALS. 2021-04-26; 2021; 11(5):707~. IF 2.351 (2020)
Perceived New Normal and Inner Strength on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Eunjung Ryu
Eunjung Ryu:하수진:. Perceived New Normal and Inner Strength on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING. 2021-04-24; 2021; 8(4):377~384. IF 2.509 (2020)
Caudal duplication syndrome: a literature review and reappraisal of its pathoembryogenesis 왕규창
왕규창:양제열:. Caudal duplication syndrome: a literature review and reappraisal of its pathoembryogenesis CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM. 2021-04-24; 2021; Online:Published. IF 1.475 (2020)
Comparison of Oncologic Outcomes between Transduodenal Ampullectomy and Pancreatoduodenectomy in Ampulla of Vater Cancer: Korean Multicenter Study Jin-Seok Heo, Ho-Kyoung Hwang
Jin-Seok Heo, Ho-Kyoung Hwang:한성식, Seung-Soo Hong:. Comparison of Oncologic Outcomes between Transduodenal Ampullectomy and Pancreatoduodenectomy in Ampulla of Vater Cancer: Korean Multicenter Study CANCERS. 2021-04-23; 2021; 13(9):2038~. IF 6.639 (2020)
Open versus laparoscopic surgery for mid or low rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (COREAN trial): 10-year follow-up of an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial 오재환
오재환, Seung-Yong Jeong:Ji Won Park:손대경, 김대용, 장희진 등. Open versus laparoscopic surgery for mid or low rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (COREAN trial): 10-year follow-up of an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial LANCET GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY. 2021-04-23; 2021; 6(7):569~577. IF 18.486 (2020)
Ji Won Park