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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Prognostic impact of infectious complications after curative gastric cancer surgery. 류근원
류근원:한원호:오윤정, 엄방울, 윤홍만, 김영우. Prognostic impact of infectious complications after curative gastric cancer surgery. EJSO. 2020-04-23; 2020; 46(7):1233~1238. IF 3.959 (2019)
Identification of Dietary Pattern Networks Associated with Gastric Cancer Using Gaussian Graphical Models: A Case-Control Study 김정선
김정선:Madhawa Gunathilake:이정희, 최일주, 김영일. Identification of Dietary Pattern Networks Associated with Gastric Cancer Using Gaussian Graphical Models: A Case-Control Study CANCERS. 2020-04-23; 2020; 12(4):1044~. IF 6.126 (2019)
Madhawa Neranjan
Src/NF-κB-Targeted Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Potentilla glabra var. Mandshurica (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz. Ethanol Extract 유병철
유병철,Jae Youl Cho:Haeyeop Kim:김경희. Src/NF-κB-Targeted Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Potentilla glabra var. Mandshurica (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz. Ethanol Extract BIOMOLECULES. 2020-04-22; 2020; 10(4):648~. IF 4.082 (2019)
Haeyeop Kim
outcome of pregnancies after onset of the neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder 김호진
김호진:김수현:장현민, 박나영, 김예슬, 이민영, 현재원, 정지윤. outcome of pregnancies after onset of the neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2020-04-22; 2020; Online:Published. IF 4.516 (2019)
Analysis of metachronous colorectal neoplasms and survival following segmental or extended resection in patients with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer 김병창
김병창:노승재,홍윤화:차용준, 장희진, 한경수, 홍창원, 손대경, 박성찬, 이동운, 김번, 백지연, 최문기, 오재환. Analysis of metachronous colorectal neoplasms and survival following segmental or extended resection in patients with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE. 2020-04-21; 2020; Online:Published. IF 2.108 (2019)
Risk of metachronous gastric neoplasm occurrence during intermediate-term follow-up period after endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric dysplasia Jae Gyu Kim
Jae Gyu Kim:김영일:. Risk of metachronous gastric neoplasm occurrence during intermediate-term follow-up period after endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric dysplasia SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2020-04-21; 2020; 10(1):6747~. IF 3.998 (2019)
Combined effects of dietary zinc at 3 years of age and obesity at 7 years of age on the serum uric acid levels of Korean children 박보현
박보현, Hyesook Park:Sung Hee Lee:. Combined effects of dietary zinc at 3 years of age and obesity at 7 years of age on the serum uric acid levels of Korean children NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. 2020-04-20; 2020; 14(4):365~373. IF 1.792 (2019)
Sung Hee Lee
Serum cytokine profiles in infants with infantile hemangiomas on oral propranolol treatment: VEGF and bFGF, potential biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes 정혜림
정혜림:박미림:심예지, 김흥식, 윤회수, 박상규, 최희원,이미정, 이재민,박은실,이재희,임연정,최영배. Serum cytokine profiles in infants with infantile hemangiomas on oral propranolol treatment: VEGF and bFGF, potential biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes PEDIATRIC RESEARCH. 2020-04-20; 2020; Online:Published. IF 2.747 (2019)
Clinicopathologic Features of Submucosal Papillary Gastric Cancer Differ from Those of Other Differentiated-Type Histologies 국명철
국명철, Jie-Hyun Kim, Hyunki Kim, Do Youn Park:Seung Yong Shin:최일주, 류근원. Clinicopathologic Features of Submucosal Papillary Gastric Cancer Differ from Those of Other Differentiated-Type Histologies GUT AND LIVER. 2020-04-17; 2020; Online:Published. IF 3.141 (2019)
Seung Yong Shin
Association of Body Composition With Survival and Treatment Efficacy in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. 정재영
정재영:박사현:김명성, 박은영, 김성한, 이강현. Association of Body Composition With Survival and Treatment Efficacy in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2020-04-17; 2020; 10:558~. IF 4.848 (2019)